Coaching gives you clarity to envision your ideal life, creates a map, and empowers action to make it a reality.

​​Coaching is a collaborative partnership of equals driven by your values, strengths, and sense of purpose. The guiding question are:

WHO do you want to be and WHY?

WHAT does your ideal future look and feel like?

HOW are you going to make it happen?

The fundamental outcome of all coaching is for the person to be the best version of themself and lead the best possible life. What that looks like is highly person-specific. Ultimately, it’s the result of both internal and external alignment.

Internal alignment focuses on you.

External alignment focuses on relationships, settings, and environment

While I don’t think ADHD coaching is complete without addressing executive function, it’s essential to keep in mind that EF mainly focuses on the HOW, and not the WHO, WHY, or WHAT.

Components of internal alignment

Black and white image of a silhouette of a woman running


Your vehicle: Source of physical energy

Sleep, exercise, nutrition, regulated nervous system, somatic wisdom

Black and white image of a silhouette of a person looking up at the night sky


Your driver: Source of your mental energy

Executive function, growth mindset, self-compassion, mindfulness 

A black and white image of a silhouette of a person standing over reflective water


Your navigator: Source of your emotional & spiritual energy

Core values, sense of purpose, authentic self-expression, joy/play/flow

My Coaching Process

Phase 1: Who are you now?

  • Explore and identify your core values

  • Take inventory of your talents and hard-earned skills

  • Assess where you are in all of your life categories

Phase 2: Who do you want to be?

  • Create a clear vision of your ideal future

  • Set identity-based goals

  • Connect to the strengths and skills you already have

  • Design a map and timeline of major milestones

Phase 3: The Journey

  • Design weekly action plans, backups, and accountability

  • Learn new skills and strategies, expand your toolkit

  • Create internal and external alignment

  • Experiment between sessions, learn by doing and reflecting

Phase 4: Who have you become?

  • Celebrate your wins and how far you've come

  • Integrate all of your newfound knowledge

  • Develop maintenance and accountability plans

  • Decide what comes next

How I See My Clients

Close up of an owl


You’re the expert of your life and experience. You’re always learning. You can figure all of this out.

Large tall tree with strong roots


Your core self is whole and good. Growth is your natural state. You’re talented, capable, resilient

An arial view of a tributary connection of rivers


You have a place and purpose. You exist in relationship with other people. You have gifts to contribute. 

If I sound like a good fit, I’d love to hear from you.

Schedule a free 30-minute introductory call with me today!

Questions? Email me at